Yorkshire Sound Women Network / Events / Sun 22 May 2022
Introduction to Field Recording

A hands-on workshop exploring how to listen to and capture the sounds around you with a range of recording equipment.
Interested in finding out more about field recording and having a go? This afternoon workshop will involve a mix of practical work out and about in Huddersfield with recording devices and a range of microphones, combined with some theory and technical information aimed at ensuring you can make high quality audio recordings. We’ll also have a listening session to review our recording attempts ‘in-the field’!
Please bring your own headphones if you have them. All other equipment will be provided, but feel free also to bring any recording devices or microphones that you would like to use.
Workshop leader: Jo Kennedy
Participant age: 16+, or 11+ with full participation of a guardian (Please make two separate Eventbrite bookings so we have the correct details).
Important: As part of YSWN’s Permission to Play project this workshop is intended for women and people of minority genders – we would like to remind you to please respect this when booking.
Book tickets through Eventbrite here: https://buff.ly/3yqLoS4
Access info: Dai Hall has step-free access to the main space but unfortunately not the toilets, which are in the basement. Accessible toilets are available approximately 200m away in Kingsgate Shopping Centre. The workshop will involve leaving Dai Hall in a group to record sounds in the surrounding streets. Please get in touch by emailing hudds.yswn@gmail.com if you have any access requirements that would make it easier for you to enjoy this event.
About the organisers: YSWN Huddersfield Makers is a friendly, informal group of women and non-binary people who get together to skill-share and explore our interests in music-making and sound technology. To find out more, join the YSWN Huddersfield Makers Facebook group or follow @hudds_yswn on Twitter.
This workshop is designed to provide a foundation for a recording trip to the North Yorkshire coast (Sunday 19 June) as part of a summer-long collaborative project, but can also be enjoyed as a freestanding workshop with no obligation to attend any other events.
This workshop is supported by Yorkshire Sound Women Network’s Permission to Play project, funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-field-recording-tickets-336680980877
Event Location
Dai Hall
Piazza Shopping Centre,
Victoria Lane,
Huddersfield HD1 2QF
Email: hudds.yswn@gmail.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-field-recording-tickets-336680980877