Yorkshire Sound Women Network / Events / Wed 10 Mar to Wed 14 Apr 2021 (1 month)
Free online course: Sound Adventures

Staying at home doesn’t have to mean going nowhere! YSWN’s new online course Sound Adventures offers the chance to start an exciting journey into music technology and sound. Participants will come away with a fantastic set of technical and creative skills to inform and inspire their future explorations into the world of sound and music.
During the course, led by sound artist Jo Kennedy with technical assistance from Charlotte Rowe, participants will learn essential skills used by professional music producers and sound artists, including how to make good quality audio recordings and use a DAW (digital audio workstation) to edit and sculpt sound. Sounds created will then be imaginatively ‘geolocated’ to build an immersive soundwalk with an environmental theme, that people can take using their smart phones.
Delivered over Zoom, the free six-week course runs on Wednesdays during March and April 2021 and is open to girls and young people of marginalised genders aged 11-16 and living in Kirklees. Jointly coordinated by YSWN and Lawrence Batley Theatre, Sound Adventures is part of Our Biennale, the Kirklees children and young people’s festival of arts and culture.
All sessions are free of charge and open to participants with any level of music and/or technology experience, including complete beginners. Participants will need access to a smart phone (for recording) and PC/laptop (for editing sounds and building their walk), and be available to attend all the project sessions.
How to apply
The sessions will be held using Zoom. To apply, email info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com to request an application form or visit https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/sound-adventures/ to download one (If you require the application in another format, please contact us at info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com). Once accepted, participants will be sent a private link and password for the sessions.
Sound Adventures is coordinated by Yorkshire Sound Women Network and Lawrence Batley Theatre as part of Our Biennale, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
For more information visit https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/sound-adventures/
Event Location
Email: info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com
Website: https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/sound-adventures/