Yorkshire Sound Women Network / Events / Wed 06 Jan to Wed 10 Feb 2021 (1 month)
Free online course: Living World

Learn to create sound art inspired by your local environment with sound artist Jo Kennedy, and help create a public exhibition!
Girls and young people of marginalised genders in Kirklees aged between 11-16 years old are invited to join this free online 6-week course during January – February 2021.
During the course you’ll learn about ‘soundwalks’ and make your own environmental soundwalk using free apps. You’ll also get chance to make your own interactive sound objects and collaborate on using these to create an environmentally-themed interactive sound installation, for public display at the end of the project.
The course will be held over six online sessions (once a week) via Zoom. You’ll also complete tasks in between sessions and receive 1-2-1 support and advice on your work. You’ll learn new skills in sound recording as well as learning how a range of artists are using sound art to encourage people to think and behave differently about the environment.
We welcome participants with all levels of music and/or technology experience. No prior experience is necessary, you don’t have to be able to play a musical instrument and the sessions are free of charge.
Project dates:
Wednesdays, 6pm – 7.30pm:
• 6 January
• 13 January
• 20 January
• 27 January
• 3 February
• 10 February
Sound installation to take place during half-term week: 15-19 February 2021.
How to apply
The sessions will be held using Zoom; send us a completed application form to apply for your free place, and you’ll be sent a link and password for the sessions.
You can request an application form by emailing info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com or by downloading a copy from the website event page: https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/living-world/
You don’t need access to specialist equipment to take part, but you will need either a phone, tablet or PC / laptop. Please make sure you are available to attend all the project sessions.
Living World is coordinated by Yorkshire Sound Women Network and Lawrence Batley Theatre as part of Our Biennale, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
For more information visit https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/living-world/
Event Location
Email: info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com
Website: https://yorkshiresoundwomen.com/event/living-world/