Yorkshire Sound Women Network / Events / Tue 20 Jul 2021
Amble Skuse: Artist Talk

The eighth of YSWN’s online seminar series Level Up in Audio featuring artists and audio professionals sharing their practice and insight.
About this event
Musician and artist Amble Skuse talks about her work, which incorporates found sound, voice, electronics and location to explore ideas of identity and power. Using technology to engage with disability and gender in innovative ways, her projects include an opera drawing upon the testimony of PIP claimants and composed through remote collaboration; soundwalks discovering cities from the perspective of a wheelchair user and performances where readings from EEG and body sensors shape the music.
The seminar is the eighth of 12 online events featuring musical artists and audio professionals running throughout 2021 as part of Level Up In Audio. This YSWN project aims to inspire, grow and sustain the skills and creative opportunities of women and people of minority genders who have an interest in music and technology and whose work and professional development have been curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic.
The seminar will take place via Zoom; attendees will receive a private link through the email used for booking in advance of the event. Tickets are free and space is limited. Please get in touch by emailing info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com if you have any access requirements that would make it easier for you to enjoy this event.
The seminar will take the form of a Q&A session chaired by a YSWN host, with opportunity for the audience to ask their own questions and take part in discussion.
IMPORTANT: As part of YSWN’s Level Up in Audio project this seminar series is intended for an audience of women and people of minority genders – we ask that you respect this when booking tickets and do not deny someone else a place if you are not among this group. We plan to record the seminar for sharing online with a wider audience at a later date.
Book here through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amble-skuse-artist-talk-tickets-161555002361
YSWN's Level Up in Audio project is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
About Amble Skuse
Amble Skuse is a musician and artist working with found sound, voices, electronic processing and site specific locations. She works with oral history archives, interviews, community memories, radio interviews, found sounds and site specific compositions to explore myriad identities in myriad locations.
She explores ideas of identity and power through a lens of intersectional feminism. Her focus is on gender and disability, and she is currently studying for a PhD looking at ways in which a disabled composer/performer can utilise technology as a tool for composing, improvising and performing.
Her work has been featured on BBC Radio 3’s Late Junction, and has taken her across the world, from Edinburgh to Singapore on a 10,000 mile train journey, to Canada to develop an improvising platform with disabled musicians, to China to explore the role of ‘being’ in improvisation, to Croatia to perform with the female coding ensemble OFFAL.
Amble is currently working on two soundwalks, one in Nantes, France, and one in Belgrade, Serbia. The soundwalks explore a new city as explored by a wheelchair user, highlighting textures, experiences and thoughts and making the internal experience audible.
She is the director of h0mephile ensemble, a group of seven disabled musicians and a creative captioner who use networked technology to improvise live together online. She is one of the artists involved in The PIP Tapes by Gemma Nash, where artists reflect upon the importance of cassette tapes in disabled communities, and was also commissioned by the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, where she wove together poetry and soundscape using EEG sensors which measured her stress levels.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amble-skuse-artist-talk-tickets-161555002361