Yorkshire Sound Women Network / Events / Tue 07 Dec 2021
Alannah Chance: Introduction to podcast and radio production

Ever wondered how your favourite podcasts and radio programmes are brought to life? Award-winning audio producer Alannah Chance shares her expertise with an introduction to the field, offering insight into the recording skills, sound design and audio storytelling involved and the workings of the production industry.
The seminar is part of a series of online events featuring musical artists and audio professionals running throughout 2021 as part of Level Up In Audio. This YSWN project aims to inspire, grow and sustain the skills and creative opportunities of women and people of minority genders who have an interest in music and technology and whose work and professional development have been curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic.
The seminar will take place via Zoom; attendees will receive a private link through the email used for booking in advance of the event. Tickets are free and space is limited. Please get in touch by emailing info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com if you have any access requirements that would make it easier for you to enjoy this event.
Alannah will speak for around 50 minutes, followed by time for attendees to ask questions about her work and the industry.
As part of YSWN’s Level Up in Audio project this seminar series is intended for an audience of women and people of minority genders – we ask that you respect this when booking tickets and do not deny someone else a place if you are not among this group. We plan to record the seminar for sharing online with a wider audience at a later date.
YSWN's Level Up in Audio project is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Book tickets through Eventbrite here: https://buff.ly/3EgcXgU
About Alannah Chance
Alannah is an award winning audio producer who makes podcasts, radio and documentaries. Previously the executive producer of BBC Radio 3's flagship adventurous music programme, Late Junction, she is now freelance and is currently working on new projects as Audio Producer in Residence at London’s Somerset House.
Alannah has made documentaries for Radio 4 and Radio 3 as well as programmes for the World Service and 6 Music. She has launched numerous podcasts, including most recently Low Culture for The Quietus, the For All I Care series for Wellcome collection and BALTIC centre for contemporary art, a series of music podcasts for Counterflows festival and others for The Guardian, Camden Art Centre and NTS.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alannah-chance-introduction-to-podcast-and-radio-production-tickets-217933072687