Youth Cultural Partnership / News / Tue 05 Aug 2014
Bridge Challenge Funding

The Youth Cultural Partnership is very pleased to be able to send you details of the application process for Bridge Challenge funding which has become available to support the delivery a cultural programme for children and young people between now and August 2015.
We are inviting anyone interested in developing a cultural activity and would like to see it included in the programme to read the attached guidelines before making a proposal. The project proposal should not be longer than 2 sides of A4. You should also include a budget breakdown of the funding required as a separate sheet. Please note the Youth Cultural Partnership is expecting new approaches to funding and sustaining the cultural offer in Torbay. We would like to see innovative approaches within each application which could include matched funding (but NOT Arts funding, e.g. Grants for the Arts), new partnerships, crowd funding, etc.
There will be three Application Rounds. Application deadlines are:
29 August 2014
26 September 2014
28 November 2014.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to give us a call. We are happy to talk ideas through.
Phone 01803 850157
Email tanny@playtorbay.org.uk