Youth Cultural Partnership / News / Tue 07 Oct 2014
Bridge Challenge Funding available - Round 3

During the last year the Youth Cultural Partnership, Torbay has been formed. Over 40 representatives from the community, public and private sectors are going to work together to find enjoyable ways for young people to say what matters and lead the Partnership creating a scaffold that supports their growth;
This is what we want to do by 2016:
• Support young people to connect to each other to do creative stuff
• Help creative organisations to put on the right stuff with and for young people
• Make sure young people can find out what’s on and make it easy for them to join in
• Check out what happens in other areas so we can get new ideas for Torbay
• Find new money to pay for creative activities for young people
• Let everyone know about the positive things, and ways of doing things, that are going on in Torbay
The Youth Cultural Partnership, Torbay (YCPT) has received funding to deliver a cultural programme for young people from now until August 2015. As part of this development we are required to inform 10,000 children and young people over the next year and reach 2,000 of them directly. The funding available is approximately £25,000 and we would like to develop opportunities before and after school and in the holidays. We would like to improve the channels of communication so that more young people know what’s on offer.
We have agreed to work with both NEW and established partners including youth organisations, those offering the full range of cultural opportunities and organisations wishing to support the initiative in general. We would like to receive proposals to increase the creative offer for all children and young people living in Torbay.
We are inviting anyone who is interested to look at the two pie charts below to understand what we are hoping to achieve.
All project proposals must deliver at least one of the Culture 5 areas:
1. Music
2. Performance
3. Digital Broadcast
4. Visual 2D 3D
5. Creative Experiment and Adventure
All project proposals should describe how they will deliver and develop opportunities in at least 6 of the following areas:
1. Innovation
2. Partnership
3. People – e.g. new audiences
4. Communication, Marketing, Social Media
5. Supporting young people to design and deliver their own projects – e.g. New Wave
6. Social Enterprise opportunities
7. Arts Award delivery
8. Schools
If there is a cultural activity for young people you would like to see as part of the Torbay Cultural offer please send a project proposal on not more than 2 sides of A4, plus a breakdown of how much funding you require. Please note the YCPT are exploring new ways of funding opportunities for young people, and will be expecting innovative approaches within each application – e.g. matched funding but NOT Arts funding, e.g. Grants for the Arts, new partnerships, crowd funding etc. There will be THREE Application Rounds
Application deadline: Friday 28 November
Application Panel meeting
YCPT Bridge Steering Group meeting to make decisions to be held on Monday 8 December 2014
Results by Friday 12 December 2014
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to give us a call. We are happy to talk the ideas through. For more information about joining the Youth Cultural Partnership Torbay and the Challenge Fund 2014/15:
Phone 01803 850157 Email tanny@playtorbay.org.uk carmen@playtorbay.org.uk