Following our recruitment drive earlier this year we are very pleased to announce the new improved Yours In Harmony.
We have almost doubled our previous numbers and the sound of the chorus is completely WOW!! We will be appearing in public with our new expanded sound at the Paignton Performing Arts Music Festival. We are hoping to defend our winning performance from 2012 when we achieved the highest marks awarded to any of the barbershop chorus' or quartets.
Singing two popular songs from 1960's California Dreaming and Lean on Me, in the Chorus competition and two contrasting songs Make you feel my love and We go together (from Grease) in the ensemble competition. It will be a first for many of our members but promises to be a brilliant night for performers and audience alike.
For more information about Yours in Harmony, check out our website. Discover the WOW factor!
For more information visit http://yoursinharmony.co.uk/
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Website: http://yoursinharmony.co.uk/