Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Events / Sat 11 Nov 2017
Still Looking: Mindfulness and Art

A new way to take a bit of time out for yourself and enjoy experiencing art mindfully. Learn how to use mindfulness practices to move from being a passive observer to more active engagement with artworks in the galleries and the open air – and if that’s not enough of a treat it’s all rounded off with tasty refreshments and time to share your experiences (or keep them to yourself if you prefer!) Still Looking is developed and delivered in partnership with Sally Edwards, Kindmind.
For more information visit http://www.ysp.co.uk/events/still-looking-mindfulness-and-art
Event Location
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
West Bretton
Telephone: 01924 832 631
Email: info@ysp.co.uk
Website: http://www.ysp.co.uk/events/still-looking-mindfulness-and-art