2020 might not have turned out as planned but the Hertfordshire Year of Culture showed us that there’s still plenty to celebrate. Organisations quickly responded to new social distancing rules, found new ways to work, deliver and keep communities together, even whilst apart.
As an organisation or individual involved in culture, creativity or heritage in Hertfordshire we want you to join us and our partners to share your stories of 2020, how you responded to a challenging year and how we can move forward together as a creative community.
We hope the day will provide a mix of celebration and reflection, information sharing and connection making, all with an eye to the future of culture and creativity in Hertfordshire.
Keynote Topics:
- The Impact of Creativity on Loneliness and Social Isolation
- Hertfordshire Cultural Education Partnership
- ‘We Are Creative Hertfordshire’ A new brand for 2021 and beyond!
Panel Discussion:
- The Impact of Covid-19 on creativity in Hertfordshire, responses and plans for the future
Sign up on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hyoc-2020-celebration-event-registration-135999105987?aff=Invite
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hyoc-2020-celebration-event-registration-135999105987?aff=Invite