WYPrintWorkshop / Events / Tue 12 Apr 2016
Divine Patterns: Islamic Geometry in Screen Print

Tuesday 12th April 2016
10.30 – 11.30
Saba Rifat has been a regular in the screen room here at WYPW for the last few years. In this session she will talk about where her inspiration comes from, and demonstrate how she develops her work into print. Saba’s work aims to harness the interplay of universal principles of balance, harmony, proportion, colour and simple essence of forms to produce visual work that is beautiful, timeless and contemplative. The Sacred Visual language of Geometry is at the heart of her work, and she explores this using a variety of visual media, including screen print.
“I seek to produce a visual ‘space’ or ‘void’ in which one is able to retreat for simple aesthetic pleasure or deeper reflection of its origin.”
These 1 hour morning sessions will focus on technique, practise and making, and will comprise of practical demonstrations and talks led by practising artists and printmakers. The sessions are intended to encourage, inspire, and generate ideas and conversation about printmaking, so don’t be afraid to ask questions! Both members and non-members are welcome to attend. If you are not a member, or indeed a printmaker, they can act as taster sessions to show you just what printmaking is all about. If you are a member, the sessions can offer valuable hints and tips to help further your printmaking practise, or introduce you to a new technique.
For more information visit http://www.wypw.org/shop/divine-patterns-islamic-geometry-in-screen-print-april/
Event Location
West Yorkshire Print Workshop
75a Huddersfield Road
West Yorkshire
WF14 8AT
Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://www.wypw.org/shop/divine-patterns-islamic-geometry-in-screen-print-april/