Chichester Cathedral / Events / Wed 16 Sep 2015
'Food for Thought' Lunch & Talk at Chichester Cathedral

Come for a lunch and talk entitled 'Food for Thought' in the Vicars' Hall at Chichester Cathedral between 12.15 and 14:00 at which Tim Cannell, the Headmaster of the Chichester Cathedral Prebendal School and the Chairman of the Cathedral Choir School Association will speak about education and the cathedral choir school history and experience.
The Prebendal School is a co-educational private day and boarding school for 3-13 year olds at which he has taught mathematics and religious education through to Public School Scholarship Level. To register please phone 01243 813595. £12
For more information visit http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/
Event Location
Vicars' Hall
Chichester Cathedral, West Street
Chichester, West Sussex
PO19 1RP
Telephone: 01243 813 595
Email: info@chichestercathedral.org.uk
Website: http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/