Chichester Cathedral / Events / Wed 30 Sep 2015
'Book at Breakfast' at Chichester Cathedral

Come to breakfast at George Bell House in Canon Lane in the Cathedral Close at 09:00 until 10:00 and hear the Cathedral Chancellor the Rev Canon Dr Antony Cane discuss a book entitled 'On Rock or Sand - Firm Foundations for Britain's Future' - edited by the Archbishop of York John Sentamu.
What kind of nation do we want to be ? What are the essential values we need for building a just, sustainable and compassionate society in which all can participate? Chapters in the book cover health,the economy, ageing, work,education and poverty by experts such as Lord Adonis, Sir Philip Mawer, Professor Oliver O'Donovan, James Woodward, Julia Unwin and Archbishop Justin Welby who discuss the principles that underpin the way Britain is governed and how the problem we face today might be tackled. An illuminating, thought provoking and important book, which is available to read beforehand from the Cathedral Bookshop to purchase at a discount- please contact www.chichestercathedral.org .uk to register a place (£6) or phone 01243813595
For more information visit http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/
Event Location
George Bell House
Canon Lane,
Cathedral Close,
West Sussex
PO19 1PX
Telephone: 01243 813 595
Email: info@chichestercathedral.org.uk
Website: http://www.chichestercathedral.org.uk/