Otter Gallery / Events / Wed 16 Apr 2014
Workshop: Bricolage & Monoprint Postcards

Wednesday 16 April, 10am-1pm
This workshop takes inspiration from the Otter Gallery's exhibition From Fields to Factories - Women's Work on the Home Front in the First World War.
Postcards were the main method of communication between loved ones during World War One and the workshop provides the opportunity to learn bricolage and monoprint techniques in order to create a range of unique and individual postcards and at the same time to explore the art and writing of women during the Great War.
Led by artist Victoria Hulatt, participants will also have the chance to take part in an international postcard art project - sending their artwork to national and international locations and receiving others in return. Find out more at worldwar1trenchart.wordpress.com.
£12 including all materials - please book in advance by emailing gallery@chi.ac.uk or telephone 01243 816098.
For more information visit http://www.chi.ac.uk/ottergallery/
Event Location
Otter Gallery, University of Chichester
College Lane, Chichester PO19 6PE
PO19 6PE
Telephone: 01243 816 098
Email: gallery@chi.ac.uk
Website: http://www.chi.ac.uk/ottergallery/