The Company / Opportunities / Thu 05 Dec 2013
Plays wanted for the Steyning Festival Theatre Trails 2014

The Company, in association with the Steyning Festival, is looking for 6 unperformed plays (maximum length 45 mins) from playwrights in the South East (incl London) for the Steyning Festival Theatre Trails 2014.
The plays will be performed by professional actors as rehearsed readings, at site-specific venues in Steyning, as part of the Festival on 25th May & 8th June 2014.
This will be the sixth year of the Theatre Trails, one of the highlights of the festival, and this year we are delighted that local actor Gary Whelan will chair the Q & A session at the end of the performances.
Scripts should be sent to:
Nicky Dewdney
Steyning Festival Theatre coordinator
Clifton, 6A Kingsbarn Lane
Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3YR
If you would like your script returned please enclose a stamped addressed envelope, and if you need any more information please contact Stephen Israel at stephen@thecompanysussex.plus.com or phone 0771 265 0568
(please note that emailed scripts will not be accepted)
For more information visit http://www.thecompanyuk.com/
Opportunity Location
Steyning Festival 2014
Various location throughout Steyning
Telephone: 07712 650 568
Email: stephen@thecompanysussex.plus.com
Website: http://www.thecompanyuk.com/