Creatives Across Sussex / Opportunities / Wed 13 Jul 2011
Entrepreneurial Arts Manager

West Sussex Arts Partnership is the arts development organisation for the county and is the formal partnership between local councils.
We are looking for a freelance -
Entrepreneurial Arts Manager
£20,000 twelve-month contract in the first instance
To help us to the next stage in our development by advising
us on the different forms an independent company might take,
preparing a business case for the future and helping us develop
a vision for the future.
For an application pack or further information email jason.bradberry@westsussex.gov.uk
or call Lorna Brown on 01243 756770.
Closing date: Noon Wednesday 13th July 2011
Interviews in Horsham on 26th July 2011
Opportunity Location
West Sussex Arts Partnership
The Arts Annexe
Orchard Street
PO19 1DQ
Telephone: 01243 756 770
Email: jason.bradberry@westsussex.gov.uk