As part of the Arundel Festival 2012, local residents were invited to take part in a community art event "Arundel Life in Lines". The event was supported by two prominent artists Ginger Gilmour and Emma Rimer.
Asked the question "What does Arundel mean to you?" people put pencil then paint brush to canvas to create the final art work. Working together, the community created two banners one of which is being donated to the Arundel train station in August 2013 as part of the Arun Valley Railway 150 years Anniversary. The other artwork is off to the Arundel Museum.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=433283083416279&set=a.199859430091980.49514.199859096758680&type=3&theater
Image Location
Jubilee Gardens
West Sussex