WOW! Creative Workshops in Arts, Life Coaching & Enterprise
WOW! Creative is passionate about providing positive learning experiences for children and young people and they do this through a combination of creative endeavour and life coaching.
Sharon Blaikie and Nadine Hubble run WOW! Creative. As educators, life coaches and creative practitioners, their unique approach is life enhancing and fun! All our creative and performing arts activities support the growth of individuals of primary school age right through to university under-graduates, activities support art for arts sake but also aim to empower, inspire and educate the individual.
"Through our unique workshops and enterprising events individuals explore the world and express themselves - and as an accredited Arts Award Centre, we celebrate achievement too!"
"It's all about being creative with our thinking, having fun whilst experiencing the journey and then consciously choosing the paths we take towards achieving our dreams. We guess you could call it 'Conscious Creativity'!"
How might WOW! Creative support you on your journey to success?!
View my website http://www.facebook.com/wowcreativecoaching/
My Location
WOW! Creative Coaching Enterprises Ltd
First Floor
53 High Street
West Sussex
BN18 9AG
Telephone: 01243 814 224
Email: nadine@wowcreativecoaching.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/wowcreativecoaching/