WOVEN / Events / Sat 05 to Sun 27 Jun 2021 (3 weeks)
Digital Exhibition: Stitched Resiliance

This exhibition tells inspiring stories about the stitches that held us together during Covid-19.
When the crisis hit, we responded by sewing, stitching, and making. From our communities we have seen embroidery, home furnishings, textile art and PPE, as well as community projects that have been brought together for us to be inspired by and reflect on. We demonstrated our resilience, our hopefulness, and the powerful experiences we’ve all had through the narrative of textiles.
Be proud of how the people of Kirklees stood up to the pandemic in this digital collection of work made by us all in these extraordinary times.
Find the exhibition online at: www.stitchedresilience.com
Exhibition created and curated for WOVEN by textile artist, Nicola Twynham
For more information visit https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/event/digital-exhibition-stitched-resilience/