Wizard Presents / Events / Mon 31 May to Sat 31 Jul 2021 (2 months)
The Secret Garden Experience

Immerse yourself in this unique magical adventure to share at home. This interactive blend of audio, physical and digital experiences offers something for family and friends, from 6-106 years old, to hear, see, do and share together…all from home!
Over the past year, in association with Watford Palace Theatre and Oxford Playhouse and supported by Hertfordshire Library Services, The Secret Garden Team has been inspired by nature, family and friendship, to create The Secret Garden Experience just for you.
to Frances Hodgson Burnett’s timeless classic adapted and spoken by award-winning storyteller Danyah Miller brought to life in eight audio episodes, with original music by musician and composer Arun Ghosh. This captivating story is as relevant today as it was when it was first serialised for adults in 1910, before being published as a children’s book.
in the digital world of The Secret Garden by exploring online games, challenges and exclusive content created by digital art and performance innovators idontloveyouanymore. Download our App to enjoy the Augmented Reality features.
using the seven packages in the beautifully hand-crafted Secret Box, created by theatre designer Kate Bunce, and sent directly to your door. Each package contains activities that relate to an episode of the story and is packed full of exciting things to do and create. And there is a hidden surprise at the end...
The 'key' to unlock this thrilling adventure is sent directly to you in your special Secret Box.
1. Don’t miss out. There are only a limited number of Secret Garden Experiences available so book now and let the adventure begin…
2. An Intergenerational Adventure for children, parents and grandparents to enjoy together.
3. Listen to this enthralling story with original music, whilst engaging in games, activities and crafts at home, in nature and online.
4. Exceptional Value for Money. At £25 per household it's only £3 per episode and you can engage in a whole week of creativity and learning.
5. Near and Far. Share this magical experience with your loved ones whether you live together or far apart.
6. A Unique Experience conveniently delivered to your home, inspiring your own adventures however big or small!
7. The Secret Box is 100% recyclable and biodegradable. The contents are plastic free and have been chosen using sustainable and recyclable materials wherever possible.
8.Everyone can learn something new! Spark your curiosity and imagination, test your knowledge and skills at home, in nature, and online.
For more information visit http://www.thesecretgardenexperience.co.uk/