Wired Sussex / Events / Mon 12 to Fri 16 Sep 2011 (5 days)
****Digital Open Studios Week - 12 - 16th Sept 2011****

****Digital Open Studios Week - 12 - 16th Sept 2011****
For 5 days this September, as part of the month-long Brighton Digital Festival -
http://www.brightondigitalfestival.co.uk - Wired Sussex are co-ordinating a Digital Open Studios week (12th - 16th Sept) where around 20 participating digital companies open their doors to the public -to potential clients, employees and freelancers.
Digital Open Studios is based on the Artists' Open House model, but with a little more structure. Most participating companies are opening for a specific period within the week, and many are holding talks/workshops within that. It's a great opportunity for companies considering commissioning digital work to find out more about local agencies and potentially make some valuable contacts within those companies.
There is more info and free registration at www.wiredsussex.com/openstudios
For more information visit http://www.wiredsussex.com/openstudios