Winner Street Traders / Events / Sat 20 to Sat 27 Aug 2016 (1 week)
Winner Street Pied Piper Rat Trail & Craft Workshop

You may or not be aware but Paignton is twinned with Hamelin in Germany where the infamous Piep Piper story originates.
As such Winner Street is holding a Pied Piper Themed Rat Trail where you will have the chance to visit many shops up and down Winner Street to find hidden rats.
There will be prizes for rats found, if you find the Golden Rat you will entered into a prize draw to win a top prize (TBC). The trail starts on saturday 20th August and runs until the main event on Saturday 27th August where week we will be having a craft workshop on Palace Avenue green at the Centre Peace summer fete.
Children will be invited to create masks, rat hand puppets and much more and then you can go on the rat trail.....
'Rokey the Clown' will also be around on the day at the craft tent and up and down Winner Street Juggling and balloon modelling.
"Rat down the Pipe" game - can you catch the rat before it lands? There's a prize if you do and all proceeds go to the Winner Street Christmas lights fund.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/248477985525529/
Event Location
Winner Street
Winner Street
Telephone: 07443 632 626
Email: winnerstreettraders@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/248477985525529/