Wide Awake Devon / Events / Thu 24 Mar 2011
Devon Discussion at The Barbican Theatre, Plymouth

Wide Awake Devon are going on a road trip across the county and would like to invite you to join us in one of our taster Devon Discussions in The Barbican Theatre, Plymouth – a chance for you to find out what Wide Awake Devon aims to achieve and a chance for you to share ideas, knowledge and issues relating to live performance practice in Devon.
This event will provide you with the opportunity to meet others, propose a topic for conversation that you feel is relevant to improving the future of the arts in Devon. (You don’t have to propose one if you don’t want to)!
The event will unfold by
• Mapping practice in your area of Devon giving you the chance to put your activities on the map.
• Writing on a post it note an issue, idea or comment you have about arts practice in Devon
• You will be invited to form different discussion groups about each topic
• Thought Shower your ideas in smaller collectives
• Have a drink!
It will also be a chance to develop new relationships with others in the artistic community and get to know more about what is going on in the local area. We feel it is really important to develop these relationships face to face in order for conversation and ideas to grow to enhance collaborative practice.
This one hour Devon Discussion will be continued on the 10th May where artistic communities from across Devon will be bought together at the Exeter Phoenix for a vibrant discussion (using Open Space rules) about how to create a better arts ecology in Devon. This will be followed by an optional performance from Foster & Déchery with Epic (2-4-1 for Devon Discussion participants)
These Devon Discussions are part of a larger plan for Wide Awake Devon which as a collective provides a journey for which artists can meet with other practitioners, collaborate, present work in progress or new writing, establish relationships with mentors and develop new ideas with the support of other artists and organisations.
We hope Wide Awake Devon in collaboration with you will ultimately celebrate the rich artistic activity in Devon and ensure that work and ideas are shared and initiated across the county.
For more information visit http://www.eventbrite.com/org/972712657