Wide Awake Devon / Events / Wed 14 Mar 2012
Advice Fayre

Wednesday 14th March
Exeter Northcott
2pm onwards
(Food and Drinks included)
Fayre + Food = £7
Fayre + Food + Show (Out of Joint’s Top Girls) = £15
Over the last 2 months Wide Awake Devon have held a fundraising workshop and 'From now on in...' which gave artists the chance to reflect and plan their practice in 2012. We now think it is important to give some attention to the practical elements of putting your work into production whether that be touring, technical understanding, or working in schools.
This event is a partnership between Exeter Northcott and Wide Awake Devon who have come together striving for stronger support networks and access points for new and emerging live performance makers in Devon.
We have invited a number of practitioners who have been working in Devon across several areas of live performance and who we think will be really good at sharing their knowledge and offering guidance.
The practitioners who will be there are:
Theatre Alibi offering guidance in…
- Growing up as a theatre company in Devon (vision and sustaining as a company)
- How to sell your work to venues.
- How to sell your work to schools.
- Budgeting
- Administration of running a company.
- Touring on the National Circuit.
- Stage managing.
Exeter Northcott offering guidance in…
- Making a technical rider.
- What venues need from a marketing pack (including print).
- What makes a venue choose your show?
DAISI (Devon Arts in Schools Initiative) offering guidance in…
- How to get on the artists register.
- Understanding the schools market.
- Working with young people.
As you can see from the title, the event will run a bit like a parents evening in the sense that you will be given the opportunity to sign up, on the day, for 30 minute sittings with any of the above. These 30 minutes are yours to use how you wish.
The afternoon will be followed by a spread provided by Exeter Northcott and also an opportunity to see Top Girls by Out of Joint Theatre Company in the evening if you wish.
Please click here to book your place.
Hope to see you there
Emily & Monique
For more information visit http://theatredevon.net/opportunities/wide-awake-devon-advice-fayre/
Event Location
Exeter Northcott Theatre
Stocker Road
South West
Telephone: 01392 223 999
Email: info@exeternorthcott.co.uk
Website: http://theatredevon.net/opportunities/wide-awake-devon-advice-fayre/