Whispering Woods / Opportunities / Mon 18 Jul 2011
Volunteers Needed for Whispering Woods Event

Volunteers needed to help with choral event at West Dean Arboretum on Saturday 23rd July 2011.
Whispering Woods is a choral event for a promenade audience. Created by 150 local singers from 6 community choirs in West Sussex who will be singing in West Dean Arboretum (just 5 miles north of Chichester), volunteers are needed to work alongside the creative team to guide the audience through the specially lit woods, encountering singers and some surprising characters on the way.
Volunteers should be able to attend the technical rehearsal, which will be held from 3pm - 6pm on Sunday 19th July. This will provide an opportunity to meet the choirs, walk the route and become familiar with the practicalities of the event, in preparation for the performance.
On Saturday 23rd July, volunteers will need to arrive at 6.30pm, in preparation for the event, which starts at 8.30 and lasts for about one hour.
This unique event is being run by West Sussex Arts Partnership as part of the Ahead of the Game Cultural Programme.
For more information, please contact Karen Howard.
email: karen.howard@westsussex.gov.uk ยท tel: 07841 308597
For more information visit http://www.creativewestsussex.com/whisperingwoods
Opportunity Location
West Dean Arboretum
West Dean Gardens
Nr Chichester
West Sussex
PO18 0QZ
Telephone: 07841 308 59
Email: karen.howard@westsussex.gov.uk
Website: http://www.creativewestsussex.com/whisperingwoods