WestSussex.info / Opportunities / Sat 21 Dec 2013
Guest blogging opportunities on WestSussex.info

If you'd like to publicise your work or projects by writing a Guest Post on West Sussex.info then there are opportunities to do so.
What we're after
1. the post must be about or have a strong connection with West Sussex
2. the poster must agree to use their best efforts (social media, website, email WoM etc) to tell other people about their post, ideally generating some links to the post.
1. Between 30-70 thousand people visit West Sussex.info each month, and some of these will read your post
2. We'll link to your website and write a bit about you and what you do
Next steps
If you're interested, please email mark at West Sussex dot info with
a. your idea for what you'd like to write about
b.. your idea for how you would promote your post; and
c. your website or an example of your existing writing.
Mark Hoult
For more information visit http://www.westsussex.info/guest-blog-opportunities.shtml