
WestSussex.info Sussex website

WestSussex.info is a website all about the better things in West Sussex.

There are so many interesting things to see, do and learn about West Sussex, some of them well-known and others more obscure.

The WestSussex.info website was started in 2008 by Mark Hoult of Chichester to try to pull together information to help people enjoy themselves in West Sussex.

Some of the site is fairly prosaic, others parts a bit more creative.

If any Creative West Sussex members would like to showcase their work (photographs, artwork and writing spring to mind) then please let Mark know your ideas. If we can fit your idea in with our plans, then we'd like to help as much as we can.

The site gets a lot of visitors each month and would be a good way of promoting your work.

There are also opportunities for businesses to advertise on the site.

You can follow us on Twitter @SussexInfo where we look out for interesting creative things that our readers might enjoy.

View my website http://www.westsussex.info/

My Location


3-4 West Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TD

Telephone: 07808 580 504
Email: creative@westsussex.info
Website: http://www.westsussex.info/

Profile Details

My Opportunities

Guest blogging opportunities on WestSussex.info / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2013-12-21T00:00:00Z">Sat 21 Dec 2013</span>Guest blogging opportunities on WestSussex.info / Sat 21 Dec 2013

If you'd like to publicise your work or projects by writing a Guest Post on West Sussex.info then there are opportunities to do so. What we're afte...
