West Dean College and Gardens West Dean College and Gardens
West Dean College and Gardens are situated at the heart of the 6,400 acre West Dean Estate, within the stunning surroundings and landscape of the South Downs National Park, close to Chichester, in West Sussex.
Edward James, a patron of Surrealist artists such as Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, donated his home and estate to his charitable trust in 1964, providing a unique opportunity for people to enjoy studying and spending time in an amazing environment.
The College, with its large country house style, offers a creative educational environment allowing you to escape the pressures of daily life and learn in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. Over 700 short courses, designed for both complete beginners and experienced students, are held in well-equipped workshops in subjects ranging from painting, ceramics and textiles, to blacksmithing and woodworking, writing, food, gardening to dance and music.
West Dean College’s full-time diplomas offer intensive hands-on study in conservation, making stringed musical instruments and visual arts. Many programmes are validated by the University of Sussex up to MA/MFA.
Surrounding the College are award winning West Dean Gardens, which are open to the public. They feature a restored walled kitchen garden with Victorian glasshouses, a magnificently planted 300ft Edwardian pergola and a 2 ½ mile circular walk through St Roche’s Arboretum which offers breathtaking views of the downs.
View my website http://www.westdean.org.uk/
My Location
West Dean College and Gardens
West Dean
West Sussex
PO18 0QZ
Telephone: 01243 818 200
Email: communications@westdean.org.uk
Website: http://www.westdean.org.uk/
My Events
Short Courses / Fri 24 Oct 2014 to Thu 30 Apr 2015 (6 months)
Winter trees in pencil and charcoal Through a series of short workshops, explore compositional choices and improve your ability to capture the movem...
Spooky Half-Term Activities / Mon 27 to Fri 31 Oct 2014 (5 days)
Half Term Halloween Activities Bring the children to West Dean Gardens to join in some spooky half term Halloween activities. October 27th & 31st 20...