Weald & Downland Open Air Museum / Events / Sat 21 to Sun 22 Sep 2013 (2 days)
Medicine and mortality 1300-1900

It is often said that, if you were ever offered the chance to visit the past, you should decline on medical grounds" Ian Mortimer
This whole weekend focuses on domestic rituals around human health, sickness, medicine and the rituals and trappings of death through the ages.
A series of talks will be presented by eminent historical experts including historian and presenter Ian Mortimer.
Pre-booking is essential for the talks and tickets cost either £40 for one day or at a special rate of £60 for both days.
The outline of the programme is on our website: http://www.wealddown.co.uk/Events-Information/Medicine-and-Mortality-1300-1900
For more information visit http://www.wealddown.co.uk/Events-Information/Medicine-and-Mortality-1300-1900/
Event Location
Weald & Downland Open Air Museum
West Sussex
PO18 0EU
Telephone: 01243 811 931
Email: courses@wealddown.co.uk
Website: http://www.wealddown.co.uk/Events-Information/Medicine-and-Mortality-1300-1900/