Weald & Downland Open Air Museum / News / Mon 02 Dec 2013
Brand new youth group 'The History Gang' at the Weald & Downland

An exciting, creative new group for 8-12 year olds at the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum
We will meet for a half-day on a Saturday once a month and are now accepting applications for membership!
When? A half-day Saturday once a month (see details below)
Where? Within the historic houses of our Museum
Who? 8 to 12 year olds. The group will be friendly, informal and fun, with a small team of Museum leaders who will be there every session too. We’ll expect everyone to get along and help each other – there will be lots to do each time!
What? Lots of different indoor and outdoor activities - you could do anything from having a go at blacksmithing, doing a creative session with an artist, making corn dollies, learning woodland skills, to cooking in the Tudor kitchen or making traditional Christmas decorations.
How can I join? See our website: http://www.wealddown.co.uk/News/Join-our-History-Gang
News Location
Weald & Downland Open Air Museum
Singleton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0EU
PO18 0EU
Telephone: 01243 811 028
Email: education@wealddown.co.uk