Watford Recycling Arts Project / Events / Wed 22 Jul to Sun 30 Aug 2015 (1 month)

WATFORD RECYCLING ARTS PROJECT looking again for a building!!!!!! We had been led to believe our current lease would be extended but the market has changed and subsequently we are again looking for a suitable venue to continue supplying our ever-expanding membership with scrapstore goodies. We are one of the most popular scrapstores in the country and more people are discovering us every day.
We need a building between 1,000-2,000 sq ft, with adequate parking for volunteers and members, as near to Watford as we can get. Ironically we are more popular than ever and could introduce a whole lot of new people to your arts/child-centred business if you are looking to build up your trade and have a building with space for us. We have many schools and youth groups as members and with the right venue will continue to expand. Please leave a message on 01923 231395 if you are able to help in any way and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Many thanks!