Watford Pump House / News / Wed 11 Dec 2024
Sponsor A Brick and help us reach our Raise the Roof fundraising

The Watford Pump House needs just £200,000 to hit our Raise the Roof target to make essential building improvements
In 2021, we launched our Raise the Roof appeal to raise £750,000 to replace our failing roof and make other major improvements to the building otherwise our future was in jeopardy.
Unfortunately, since then the costs of the project have inevitably risen. But the good news is we just need a final £200,000 to reach our new target.
And to help get us over the line we have created a ‘Sponsor A Brick’ scheme to make it easy for people to show their support.
All you have to do is donate £10 to secure a virtual brick of the Pump House and have your name added to the roll call of honour on our website and added to a permanent display in the new development.
Lee Farman, chair of the Pump House Theatre and Arts Trust, said: “We’re massively grateful for all the support people have shown us so far which has got us so close to our Raise the Roof target. In the run-up to Christmas we’re asking people to help get us over the line. If we can get 20,000 bricks sponsored then we’re there.
“This money will help us transform the Pump House – we’ll be able to make essential repairs as well as put in more modern facilities so that audiences and users can enjoy our community arts venue for many more years to come.”
The planned improvements include:
A new watertight, insulated roof which will not only save a lot of energy but provide effective heating and ventilation for much improved audience comfort. The new roof will be raised to provide a better performance space with more facilities.
Additional seats in a new balcony area.
Significantly bigger dressing rooms that will support larger productions and remove the current need for large cast performers to walk outside to additional dressing room space during performances.
New disabled access and facilities to performers as the current stage and backstage areas are not disabled friendly.
New, multi-purpose art and rehearsal studio space with natural light sources.
Additional performer support facilities for the Colne River Room space.
To make a donation just visit: https://pumphouse.info/sponsorabrick/
For more information visit https://pumphouse.info/sponsorabrick/
News Location
Watford Pump House
Pump House Theatre and Arts Trust Ltd
5 Local Board Road
Watford, Herts
Telephone: 01923 241 362
Email: office@pumphouse.info
Website: https://pumphouse.info/sponsorabrick/