Watford Filmhouse / Events / Sat 05 Apr 2014
Watfordfilmhouse presents Rear Window.....Hitchcock's finest!

5 April means classic Hitchcock at Watford Filmhouse.............'Disguised as a comedy-thriller, Rear Window serves as a meditation on voyeurism and film spectatorship, for like the immobilised central character, the viewer is trapped in a restricted space and forced to sit and watch other people's lives from a distance. "We've become a nation of Peeping Toms. People ought to get outside and look in at themselves".
A strangely dream-like quality pervades Rear Window, with its frequent fades, the repeated shots of a slumbering James Stewart, and the implication that what's happening up on screen is merely the projection of the protagonist's anxieties about romantic relationships. Everything from the masterly opening sequence to the ambiguous final shot indicates that this is the work of a prodigiously talented director.'
Don’t miss! Cancel everything!
Cert PG 112 mins
Phone 07981 819686 or email book@watfordfilmhouse.com to book film tickets in advance.
Doors and bar open 7.00pm Film starts 7.45pm
For more information visit http://www.watfordfilmhouse.com/
Event Location
Pump House Theatre & Arts Centre
Local Board Road
WD17 2JP
WD17 2JP
Telephone: 07981 819 686
Email: book@watfordfilmhouse.com
Website: http://www.watfordfilmhouse.com/