Ware's the Fun Palace / Events / Sat 02 to Sun 03 Oct 2021 (2 days)
Wares the Fun Palace 2021

Ware's the Fun Palace 2021 takes place on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd October this free community event offers everyone the opportunity to have a go at a broad range of arts, craft and science activities.
While every Fun Palace is different, the common themes are community and participation. We look to involve all the community young, old and everyone in between. People sometimes think a Fun Place is just for kids, it is isn’t, everyone needs to play and have some fun in their lives! To that end we look to offer a range of activities – some are suitable children, some for older participants and a lot that are ideal for all ages to do together.
At the core of any Fun Palace sits arts, craft, tech and science – our goal is to get people to share their skills and passions with people who want to try new things.
This year we will have sessions including sewing and knitting, art in various forms making aprons, digital photography, creative writing and a chance to get involved with radio...
To name just a few!!
For more information visit our website or follow Ware's the FunPalace on Facebook or Twitter.
If you have a skill or passion and would like to share it with the wider community we would love to talk to you.
For more information visit http://www.waresthefunpalace.co.uk/
Event Location
Southern Maltings
Kibes Lane
SG12 7DE
Email: makers@waresthefunpalace.co.uk
Website: http://www.waresthefunpalace.co.uk/