Ware Poets / Events / Fri 14 Feb 2025
Ware Poets welcomes guest poet Jen Feroze

Date: Friday 14th February 2025
Time: 8pm - 10pm, doors open 7.45pm
Venue: Lower Function Room at
Southern Maltings, Kibes Lane, Ware, SG12 7BS
Tickets: £5 general, £3 for age 19-24, free for under 18’s.
Available on the door OR in advance from the Southern Maltings website
Our guest poet for the evening Jen Feroze lives by the sea in Essex. A former Foyle Young Poet, her work has been widely published. She won the 2024 Poetry Business International Book and Pamphlet Award and was placed second in the 2022/2023 Magma Editors’ Prize. Jen has edited anthologies and is the co-host of the monthly Women Poet’s Network with The Rebecca Swift Foundation. Her debut pamphlet Tiny Bright Thorns was published by Nine Pens in 2024. She likes wild swimming, turquoise things and cheese you can eat with a spoon.
The first half of this event will be open mic, so please feel free to bring and read a poem in a friendly and welcoming space.
Ware Poets meet monthly at Southern Maltings to enjoy poetry in a relaxed and friendly environment. Everyone is always welcome, whether to read a poem or to enjoy listening. https://warepoets.org/
For further information, please contact: warepoets@gmail.com
For more information visit http://www.warepoets.org/
Event Location
Southern Maltings
Lower Function Room at Southern Maltings
KIbes Lane
Ware SG12 7BS
Email: warepoets@gmail.com
Website: http://www.warepoets.org/