Ware Poets / Events / Fri 10 Jan 2025
Ware Poets - featuring 'The Romance of William & the Werewolf'

Ware Poets are delighted to celebrate the launch of The Romance of William and the Werewolf (Unbound), a medieval epic newly illustrated and translated by Michael Smith.
This 700 year old magical masterpiece tells the story of two outcast princes who overcome injustice to reclaim their inheritance and build a society based on tolerance.
As well as reading passages from his new book, Michael will entertain us with short readings in Middle English (and even Old French) to give a flavour of how our ancestors enjoyed poetry nearly 700 years ago.
The first half of this event will be open mic, so feel free to bring a poem to read if you wish.
Ware Poets organise monthly poetry events at Southern Maltings to enjoy poetry in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our evenings usually start with an open mic, followed by a reading from a guest poet. Everyone is always welcome, whether to read a poem or to enjoy listening.
For more information visit https://warepoets.org/
Event Location
Southern Maltings - Main Studio
Kibes Lane
SG12 7BW
Email: warepoets@gmail.com
Website: https://warepoets.org/