Walk On Stage / News / Mon 09 Aug 2010
Your Chance to WALK ON STAGE!

Do you have a talent? Can you sing? Tell a joke? Juggle? Have a story to tell? Do a flamingo impression? Are you the company joker?.........Anything?!
Open to everyone of any age and any ability
Go on, show us your wild side!
To be in with a chance to WALK ON STAGE
Simply register FREE online at www.myglitterballs.com or call 0844 474 2226
Once registered you’ll be entered into our FINAL SHOWCASE LOTTERY! Names will be drawn at random and should you be lucky enough to be selected then......…
........CONGRATULATIONS! you will WALK ON STAGE in our live theatre show!
Saturday 2nd October - 7:30pm
at the Palace Theatre, Paignton
Tickets £15, £12, £10
Telephone the Box Office 01803-665800
For more information visit http://www.myglitterballs.com/walk-on-stage.php