VOXED / Events / Tue 01 Nov 2022
The Role of Arts and Culture in The Climate Crisis

Are you a choreographer or dancer or artists who wants to know a little more about how your work and practice can become more environmentally friendly, but you can't afford carbon literacy training?
Then we have a FREE talk for artists and makers that you must check out!
Learn all about green riders, discuss what changes you might want to consider within your practice or operations to lower the impact of your work on the environment. Find out what practical, achievable goals look like for independent choreographers and small scale companies. Share thoughts with like minded creatives about ways of becoming more climate conscious.
Hosted by VOXED and led be artists and activist Marla King
Tuesday 1 November @ 18.30 1 hr 15 mins
Click link below to book.
For more information visit https://voxeddancetheatre.com/
Event Location
Email: contact@voxeddancetheatre.com
Website: https://voxeddancetheatre.com/