Von Allen - Heartfelt Dogs / Events / Sat 25 Feb 2017
NeedleFelting Workshops

Want to learn how to needle felt in 2017?
'Heartfelt Dogs' is running a series of needle felting workshops throughout the year where you can learn how to make your own little animal. All workshops suitable for beginners and more advanced.
Saturday FEBRUARY 25th - 10.30 to 4pm - Needle Felted Dogs
Where: Bates Mill Milford Street Huddersfield
Cost: £55 includes all materials and refreshments.
email: dogs@vonallen.co.uk for a booking form.
For more information visit http://www.vonallen.co.uk/
Event Location
Bates Mill
Milford Street
Email: dogs@vonallen.co.uk
Website: http://www.vonallen.co.uk/