Vinyl Tap Records is a record store in the centre of Huddersfield. Our bread and butter is selling records but we also have a live event space where we host regular in store events which over the years have included performances from the likes of The Sherlocks, Man Made, Nick J D Hodgson, The Lovely Eggs, Hooton Tennis Club, Fold, Simon Armitage, Knuckle, Fold, Samh, Happy Daggers, Mindswarm and many more as well as being the location of the Lauren Laverne show for Radio 6 Music's Record Store Day special in 2017.
We are always on the look out for bands to play live in store for us so if this is something you may be interested in or you want to work with us in any other way please contact Adam via the details listed here.
For more information visit https://www.vinyltap.co.uk/events
Space Location
Vinyl Tap Records
42 John William Street
Telephone: 01484 517 720
Email: liveatvinyltap@gmail.com
Website: https://www.vinyltap.co.uk/events