VinylTap / Events / Tue 06 Nov 2018
The Vinyl Revival & The Shops That Made It Happen - Graham Jones

On Tuesday 6th November we welcome our friend Graham Jones, author of Last Shop Standing, to the shop to talk about his follow up book Vinyl Revival and the Shops That Made it Happen.
Comprising of a talk, a music quiz (with prizes!), a Q&A, book signing and lots of laughs in and amongst, Graham will guide us through the 'vinyl revival' from his own first hand experience. The book also features our very own Matt and Marc.
All kicking off at around 7PM and with refreshments available it's sure to be a really fun night so don't miss out!
Tuesday 6th November | 7PM | FREE ENTRY
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/867801610089567/
Event Location
Vinyl Tap Records
42 John William Street
Telephone: 01484 517 720
Email: liveatvinyltap@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/867801610089567/