I lead Torbay U3A Creative Writing Group, and we recently celebrated the publication of an anthology of our work with a ‘Book Launch Lunch’ at the Devon Dumpling, Shiphay, thus combining two of our favourite pursuits – writing and having a good time.
Did you know that the traditional Devon Cream Tea can be taken with treacle substituted for the jam, and is then know as ‘Thunder and Lightning’? Or that Reg Varney retired to Stoke Fleming? There is a lot of ghostly goings-on in Dartmoor, and plenty of fiction in local places. Would young George survive the WWII bombing in Brixham? What’s it like to be down and out in Torquay?
‘Devon Tales’ by Torbay U3A (illustrated and edited by Vicky Squires) is available for £3 plus p. & p. from www.lulu.com.
(Creative Writing is only one of the activities on offer from Torbay U3A (University of the Third Age). It’s a chance for the retired and semi-retired to get together, make friends and enjoy a whole range of activities. Rambling, knitting, art, and modern language groups are just a sample of those on offer.)
For more information visit http://torbaywriters.wordpress.com/2014/04/28/54/