Vickie Holden-Swinton / Events / Sat 06 Feb 2021
National Storytelling Week - Zoom Story for Children

Sat Feb 6th 3pm. Pay-what-you-can.
A interactive zoom story event for children and families to celebrate National Storytelling Week, hosted by Vickie from The Listen Inn.
It's National Storytelling Week 2021 from Jan 30th - Feb 6th! To celebrate, Vickie will be releasing a different short story film for children on The Listen Inn's Youtube channel every day, from Jan 30th - Feb 5th. Then on Sat Feb 6th, this special zoom event will be available for interactive story fun!
Join Hertfordshire Storyteller Vickie Holden-Swinton for a 45 minute interactive storytelling for children and families everywhere. Join in for jolly japes and joy!
Tickets are on a pay-what-you-can donation basis (please note that Eventbrite will add a fee to your donation).
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/national-storytelling-week-zoom-story-for-children-tickets-138128998553