A bespoke craft cabin in Letchworth Garden City, offering a number of different craft workshops.
Crochet, knitting, Macrame, hand spinning, ceramics, Lino Printing, Drum Lampshades, Jewellery making, Papercutting, Resin and screen printing - are just a few of the workshops we offer.
I personally teach crochet and Macrame (as www.offthehookforyou.co.uk), but join together with other creatives to offer workshops in this unique venue.
View my website http://www.themakerscabin.co.uk/
My Location
The Makers' Cabin
23 Highfield
Letchworth Garden City
Telephone: 07852 351 894
Email: info@themakerscabin.co.uk
Website: http://www.themakerscabin.co.uk/
My Events
Corner to corner crochet / Thu 24 May 2018
A chance to learn the technique of corner to corner crochet, a great skill that makes blankets super fast! You'll learn how to change colours, and how...