Vanessa / Events / Thu 27 to Sat 29 Jun 2019 (3 days)

Yan Tan Tether - 'The Theory of Concentric Circles'

Yan Tan Tether - 'The Theory of Concentric Circles'

Yan Tan Tether is a series of public exhibitions and events exploring how we experience and interact with the various landscapes around us; from the historic to the geological, economic to the digital.

Located in a disused space opposite Huddersfield train station and features a range of artists from Huddersfield and afar, working across a variety of disciplines, brought together in a dialogue with the surrounding town, landscape and people.

'The Theory of Concentric Circles' is now on (ends Saturday 29/06) and is a curated journey to the centre of the hollow earth through a multimedia exhibition featuring various artists.

Friday 28 June 6-8pm sees a talk from DIY artist/curators based in London, Huddersfield and Leeds discuss their experience of putting on DIY exhibitions.

For more information visit

Event Location

Yan Tan Tether

46 John William Street


Event Details
