Vanessa / Events / Thu 04 to Sat 13 Jul 2019 (1 week)
Yan Tan Tether - 'Heavy Paragon' Art Exhibition

Yan Tan Tether is a series of public exhibitions and events exploring how we experience and interact with the various landscapes around us; from the historic to the geological, the economic to the digital.
Occupying a disused space opposite Huddersfield train station Yan Tan Tether features a range of artists from Huddersfield and afar, working across a variety of disciplines, brought together in a dialogue with the surrounding town, landscape and people.
'Heavy Paragon’ (04–13.07.19) takes its name from inter-title in Jan Morris Road to Huddersfield. Heavy Paragon is a multi-media art exhibition looking at the changing nature of industrial space, the people and the type of labour that is conducted within it.
For more information visit