University of Chichester / News / Tue 07 Apr 2015
Fine Art BA & MA @ University of Chichester

BA and MA Fine Art @ University of Chichester is recruiting for September 2015 entry.
Course information at http://www.chiuni.ac.uk/fineart/index.cfm
BA entry from A-Levels vs. Fountation or National Diploma:
Foundation and N.Diploma courses are diagnostic and help students decide which area of Art & Design they want to pursue at degree level. However if A2 level students are clear in wanting to study FINE ART we will see this as a positive choice and are more than happy to interview at this point. We interview most students applying from A-Level and Foundation/National Diploma, for Single Honours and Major routes, and offers are made on the basis of the quality and strength of work in their portfolio and their interview
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/University-of-Chichester-Fine-Art-Department/255547527826975
For more information visit http://www.chiuni.ac.uk/fineart/index.cfm
News Location
University of Chichester
College Lane,
West Sussex,
PO19 6PE
Telephone: 01243 816 000
Email: tsandys@chi.ac.uk
Website: http://www.chiuni.ac.uk/fineart/index.cfm