UNITY STUDIOS / Opportunities / Wed 30 Apr 2014
Ch-Art-TV 4 - Call for VIDEO submissions! - Journeys in the mind

Ch-Art-TV - Call for VIDEO submissions!
Ch-Art – inspiring, supporting and celebrating Artists and Makers – second Thursday of each month.
Call for VIDEO submissions for CH-ART-TV 4 on Thursday 8 May - 6-8pm at Pallant House Gallery – theme: ‘Journeys in the mind’ – each video 3 minutes max – Deadline April 30th! – Upload to www.vimeo.com and email the URL to Tim at uat@btinternet.com
see past video submissions at: www.vimeo.com/channels/chart
Ch-Art is an artist led programme supported by Unity Arts Trust CIC & Unity Studios, Pallant House Gallery and independent artists.
For more information visit http://www.unityartstrust.org.uk/artists-and-makers-resource/ch-art/
Opportunity Location
Pallant HOuse Gallery
9 North Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TJ
Email: uat@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.unityartstrust.org.uk/artists-and-makers-resource/ch-art/