UH Arts + Culture / Events / Sun 23 Jun 2019
dHPO – British Light Music Classics

Join the de Havilland Philharmonic for a Celebration of British Light Music with its origins in the theatrical and seaside orchestras of the 19th and early 20th centuries – perfect for our mid-Summer concert! The orchestra returns to the days of the BBC Light Programme with music which often depicted moods or places and many pieces became famous as theme tunes. We’ll include a wide selection of favourites from this era with music by Eric Coates, Edward German and Ronald Binge. This evening will send us all into the Summer break with toe tapping tunes and promises to be a fun and light-hearted ending to the orchestra’s season.
For more information visit http://www.uharts.co.uk/whats-on/2018-autumn-and-winter/dhpo-british-light-music-classics
Event Location
Weston Auditorium
Weston Auditorium
AL10 9EU
Telephone: 01707 281 127
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: http://www.uharts.co.uk/whats-on/2018-autumn-and-winter/dhpo-british-light-music-classics