UHArts / Events / Sun 05 Nov 2017

de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra- Fire Works!

de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra- Fire Works!

An explosive concert, full of musical pyrotechnics! Join best-selling author/illustrator James Mayhew for an unforgettable and unmissable afternoon, as he paints thrilling illustrations in time to these famous "musical fireworks", performed by the superb de Havilland Philharmonic. With Stravinsky's dazzling "Firebird" suite, Tchaikovsky's spectacular "1812", and of course, something from Handel's "Firework music", it's the perfect "overture" for bon-fire night!

For more information visit http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Location

Weston Auditorium

Mosquito Way
AL10 9EU

Telephone: 01707 281 127
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Details
